Tuesday, February 2, 2010



1. Paralanguage
This refers to the vocal quality of the speaker, which includes the volume (loudness and softness of the voice), the pitch (highness or lowness of the voice), and the rate (increase or decrease of speed in talking). Paralanguage is effective in emphasizing certain ideas that you want the audience to remember.

2. Kinesics
It deals with how you look at people, how you smile, how you walk, how you sit or how you touch. Everything you do with your body suggests what you sometimes cannot put into words.

3. Proxemics
This is a nonverbal communication which deals with space. Space is used to indicate distance needed to pursue certain tasks. For example, you have a report the next day. You need to study and to be by yourself to be able to do your task successfully.


I. Tell what each of the following suggests.

1. tapping of fingers _____________________________
2. meeting of eyebrows __________________________
3. long – drawn breaths _________________________
4. thumbs up sign _____________________________
5. shrugging of shoulders________________________

II. Name and illustrate one positive, and one negative nonverbal message.


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